Saturday, September 5, 2009

More blogs coming soon

Pictures are posted after the awesome opening ceremony last night. It was unbelievable. You can watch on I will write more later on.

I will work on the blog soon but I am heading out to tape the soccer guys getting ready for the soccer game against Japan. This is a MUST-WIN for USA team.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I just updated the most recent pictures online. I will work on the title of each picture sometime soon.

Also, for those of you commented on bringing the rain, I'll see what I can do to to bring the rain back to Texas and South Carolina!

The day before the opening ceremony

It's been a hectic time the last two days since we arrived in Taipei. I finally got the chance to sit down and relax.

When we arrived to the hotel on wednesday, other athletic trainer, Robyn and I went out to lunch but we got lost walking around two blocks over and over trying to find a 'good' place to eat. Most of the restaurants look disgusting and unhealthy food. (remember, we cannot drink tap water outside of the hotel, or else it will cause diarrhea). So, we ended up being hungry and had to go with the soccer teams to City Hall to register and collect the badge and passes for the games. It took us 2 hours waiting to get ours. Anyway, while we were at the building, I went to the bathroom and I was about to wash my hands, and saw two guys from another country (I think Turkey, but I didnt recognize the flag). They were washing their hands for a long time, finally they washed their face and hair, and THEN, they took off their shoes and put their foot in the sink to wash their feet. I felt disgusted and ran away from the bathroom. I guess it is part of their culture or something that they do from their country.

Today was the big game day for men's soccer team. They played Ireland..... well we lost to them 0 to 2. We didnt play very well, and the soccer field was WET and puddles everywhere. Yeah, of course it was raining hard and typhoon is expected to come this weekend. When players try to pass the ball in the midfield, it suddenly stops due to the puddle in that area. Hopefully, we will bounce back and beat Japan on Sunday.

I want to share this experience with you working with an injured player that has go to the emergency room. A player got hit in the ribs and had trouble breathing and felt very dizzy so he passed out on the soccer field. When I got to him, he was conscious and saying that he felt like he was hit by a truck. We put him on a stretcher so the game can go on. When I was working with him, bunch of taiwanese medical staff came over here, and will probably have to go to the hospital for precautions, I TRIED to communicate with the taiwanese staff, and thankfully the international sign language interpreter came over, so she could communicate with me in sign language and lip reading, then she interprets to the Taiwanese interpreter, then translate to the medical staff. It was like a 4-way. It was just overwhelming working with the Taiwanese medical staff. In general, I had a tough time understanding them with their accent and speaking soft, and I guess they dont understand me as well.

That player just got out of the hospital, and got to the hotel room resting so he is okay but sore.

Later on, I will have to tell you more on communicating with fellow athletic trainers, team doctors, coaches and athletes later on. But I gotta go and check on that player, and head to the training room.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tis the rainy season.....Rain, Rain... go away!

We learned that its the rainy season at this time of the year. It has been raining every day in the afternoon to early evening. It was odd that this particular time in the afternoon and not any other times (morning and night) that storm comes. Also, there were lightning and thunder which we had to call off afternoon practices. Everyone were frustrated and need to get things rolling, but we managed to get through.

Yesterday, we had a scrimmage against local Taiwanese soccer club. We didnt play very well but it was a big bonus so that will help them prepare for a huge game against Ireland this friday.

Today, we are heading back to Taipei to get settled. I didnt get the chance to look around Chiayi City due to busy soccer schedule so hopefully, I will have time to look around Taipei.

There wasnt much to say and I am sure that a lot of exciting things when the Deaflympics begins (First soccer game on Friday and Opening ceremony on saturday). I believe that the country of Taiwan had done a great job advertising the Deaflympics. I was watching ESPN sportscenter, and they were talking about Deaflympics for 5 minutes and it will be on TV for 4 hours (I couldnt understand the rest since it was in taiwanese language). It will probably be on TV in Taiwan not USA. I thought it was so cool!