Friday, September 18, 2009

Home sweet Home

Finally, I am back to USA and it is good to be home. I am in the middle of doing my laundry, it was kinda tough while in Taiwan that I only had to hand wash my work clothes, and went to the laundromat once in the middle of downtown Taipei. It is a great feeling to wash my clothes here and feeling fresh again! Also, I am trying to overcome jet lag, and I think I kind of beat it since I am feeling great and have so much energy. It is good to be back to work and get things rolling.

I have to say that this trip is the most unforgettable experience and I took it day by day so I could enjoy it even though we had to go through so much ups and downs since day one. We are sure glad to be back home but it was hard saying good byes to athletes, coaches, and the medical staff.

Ken and I flew back to St. Louis safe and sound and we both discussed and caught up news on soccer teams, and the Deaflympics. I wanted to say that I am honored to be a part of the USA Deaf Soccer Organization and would continue to stay in touch with the players and coaches. I am looking forward to continue getting involved with this organization in the near future. Also, I am looking forward to Athens, Greece 2013 if my employer would let me (this will happen in June or July so it shouldnt be a problem, hmmmmm :-)

Oh yes, I keep forgetting to tell you this, in the last two posts, I filed a complaint against the referee that pushed me in the back. I turned in my letter of concern to the technical director, so he took it and put it in the file, and said that the referee is banned from Deaf International Soccer games for good for what he did to me, injured player, and the USA team (giving 9 yellow cards and 3 red cards) by giving Argentina advantage to take this win.

I hope I dont forget anything. Also, there wasnt much to say anything on the last few days of the Deaflympics. I took the final pictures and posted them on the If I think of anything that pops up in my mind then I'll post it but there wont be that much. If you want to know more details or any questions you want to ask, then shoot me an e-mail or post a comment.

I wanted to send this message to few people for letting me get this opportunity away from work and home for 3 long weeks especially at this time of the year. Special thanks go out to Randy Craig, Vice President of PRORehab pc, and Kim Belcher, sports medicine director of PRORehab pc. I also wanted to thank Rachelle Stebbe covering for me while I am gone especially at this time of the year. This is the worst time of the year for all athletic trainers that had to leave their jobs (football season) and go to Taiwan. The soccer teams were blessed to have me and Robyn working with them, they couldnt have made it without us being there. Thank you Randy, Kim and Rachelle.

I guess I'll have to say this "The end". I hope yall enjoyed reading the blog and looking at pictures.

Stay in touch. See you in 2013 hmmm ;-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I got so much to say in the last few days but I will fill in more details this coming weekend when I am back in town and get settled (well, kind of...... since I need to start packing and move into my new condo on September 25th). I will just input few important notes.

It is 5:20 am here in Taipei, and I am just trying to stay awake so that I can sleep through 13 hour flight to Los Angeles, and prevent from jet lag. I doubt that will happen so we will see.

Men's soccer team lost to Ireland for a 7th place game, so we ended up 8th out of 16 teams, the best finish in the history of Deaflympics for men's soccer team. We didnt have 7 key players to play in the game. The rest of the guys had their heart and soul into this game, and we played well even though we lost to Ireland 3 to 0.

Congratulations to the women's soccer team for defending their gold medal! They beat Germany in the championship game 4 to 0. Robyn, the athletic trainer for women's soccer team, invited me to join her on the bench and watch the game at the track and field stadium. It was an awesome feeling and good to see those women put a huge smile and knowing that they are world champion.

The closing ceremony was a BLAST! I couldnt describe everything so I took several pictures and videos. (I will update them on this weekend.)

Dont think that this is the end, I will have more details later on hopefully by the end of September. I will declare by saying "the end" but not this time so give me time for me to overcome jet lag, catch up work and home.

I'll be back to United States of America, the one and the only in about 30 hours, I can't wait.

Wy-an (Good night) to the city of Taipei.