Saturday, August 29, 2009

Zow An!

Taiwanese translation for "Good Morning" I am learning few words. We have several taiwanese language interepreters everywhere to help us, so Ive been asking them few words. So far, I know good morning, thank you, Sorry. When I speak to them, and they smiled and understood me so I got fired up and know little about taiwanese language.

We have been busy with the training camp, its two-a-days for most sports. (Whoo! Don't I love two-a-days practices? hmmph) We train at National Cheng Chung University. It is about 30 minutes away from the hotel since we have to drive through the rural town and mostly farm. I took few pictures of the campus, track and field stadium and of course soccer field. Also, on the soccer field, there were dragonflies everywhere and I tried to take a picture of them but couldnt get a clear shot.

The number one enemy is the WEATHER which is HOT and HUMID, like around 85 degrees and 80 percent humidity at 8:00 am. At the first practice, the players were struggling to get through, and I had to take care on few of them. Then the next two practice, they got through and are getting used to the weather as long as they take care of their body by hydrating, and eating fruits. So far, we had no problems eating taiwanese food. But they are in a great shape with positive attitudes to overcome the heat and humidity and focus one at a time and GO FOR THE GOLD!

In the next few days, there probably wont be much to say since we will be doing two-a-days practices, eat, meetings, treating athletes, and sleep........

Fire away if you have any questions or want to know more about anything! I will post pictures up flicker coming soon.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I had trouble trying to post pictures on this blog. So, I am using flicker website so click on the link. It took me an hour to figure how to post pictures so I couldnt, can anyone help me out on how to post pictures on the blog? E-mail me at

Enjoy the pictures! (some pictures are not good so I couldnt delete them). Sorry!


Thats a Tsou, Alishan Tribe's language which means that "I am joyous to welcome you." Noted in a welcome letter that we received when we checked in the hotel. I learned a new word today!

We landed safely this am (friday August 28th) around 5:30 which is one hour early. Then, we rode in a nice charter bus (6 total). The funny thing is that a police car with the sirens on is leading us all the way to Chiayi City, which is about 3 hours south of Taipei. We are staying there just for one week for training camp and then head back to Taipei right before the opening ceremony (September 5th). We looked around Taipei and drove through from town to town. We find it strange that we havent found Taipei 101 (World's tallest building). There were like million acres of rice farm everywhere and several beautiful temples. Oh by the way, no surprises that the weather is HOT and HUMID, probably 3 times worse than St. Louis. It was already hot and humid at 6:00 in the morning when we got out of the airport. It is gonna be brutal to those athletes! Sigh! After we checked in at the hotel, then we finally went to grab some lunch, we were all nervous to eat taiwanese food, but it came out better than expected. I ate T-bone steak, with rice and soup at the food court at the mall. Hopefully, I wont get an upset stomach or too many trips to the bathroom! (Rebecca, I will try to eat few exotic food but not right now so give me time and let me get used to taiwanese food :-)

When we walked around, it was very difficult to communicate with Taiwanese people but luckily, there are interpreters (english) everywhere so that helps a bit. Also, we figured out the currency, 1 American dollar equal 33 taiwanese dollars. We shopped around the mall and looked at the prices, so they are little bit cheaper than USA.

Right now, it's 4:20 pm (Friday) and that means we are 13 hours ahead of St. Louis time (Central time zone) 3:20 am there. I am pretty tired and sleepy but am trying to stay awake til bedtime so I wont be up all night tonight.

I got the free internet in the hotel room and should be no problems posting on the blog daily if I have something to say. Also, I will try to post pictures as of now if I can figure out with this tech thing.

The training camp officially starts tomorrow. I am sure I will have something to share of my experiences as an athletic trainer at a international setting.

Tomorrow, I will be thinking of Eureka Wildcats teams and especially the football game against Lafeyette Lancers tonight. Go WILDCATS!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

.zzzzz.....zzzzz..... Or counting my hairline on my head to see how many I have..

While at the gate 4 hours early prior to depart LAX. just kidding, I've been busy chatting with medical staff so I need a break. I get the chance to do the blog and see if I try to update it from my blackberry.

Just a bit warning, some of you know that I am not a night person so I probably won't think right and will proofread twice before I submit this post.

Today has been an interesting day. When we arrived Los Angeles, I had to help Ken carry 9 heavy (50 pound) bags that included all the soccer uniforms, and clothes. I was glad to help him since he couldn't do it all by himself. Anyway, we went to Westin Hotel(one of the sponsor for (USA Deaflympics) to register and gather all the cool stuff, the medical staff got Under Armour t-shirt, polo shirt, gym short, huge luggage, hat, and flip flop. We got jealous with the athletes that got nice full warm-up suits and under armour sneakers which is really cool. We were just wandering around and more athletes, coaches, medical staff, and reporters. I just met with the whole soccer teams (men and women) and the medical staff. We were just getting to know each other (8 athletic trainers, and 2 team doctors (family medicine and orthopedics). Me and other two guys are the only deaf athletic trainers and the rest are hearing but knows sign language. One of the team doctor (family medicine) is deaf and I am impressed that he is only 33 years old. We had a brief meeting and discuss which sports to cover, rules, medicine, supplies etc. Finally, the general meeting for everyone that need to know. Here is the flight intinerary from LAX to Taipei, Taiwan, we leave LAX at 1:40 am (Thursday, August 26th) and arrive Taipei at 6:35 am on Friday August 27th. Then, get in the bus and travel 3 hours to get to the training camp which is around noon. I know that we all are gonna be deadbeat, cranky and looking forward to SLEEP on a bed!

Oh by the way, interesting numbers....approximate 195 USA athletes and 40 support staff (coaches, medical staff and media) will fly in ONE plane. I have never rode in a plane with so MANY deaf/hard of hearing people! I had to admit that I had deaf culture shock.

Another website that you could watch games online. I haven't looked at it yet.

I took some pictures and will put it on the blog when I check in at the hotel.

Good morning, good afternoon or Good night to yall since I am all confused with the time zones. I will figure it out when I get there. Later!