Saturday, August 29, 2009

Zow An!

Taiwanese translation for "Good Morning" I am learning few words. We have several taiwanese language interepreters everywhere to help us, so Ive been asking them few words. So far, I know good morning, thank you, Sorry. When I speak to them, and they smiled and understood me so I got fired up and know little about taiwanese language.

We have been busy with the training camp, its two-a-days for most sports. (Whoo! Don't I love two-a-days practices? hmmph) We train at National Cheng Chung University. It is about 30 minutes away from the hotel since we have to drive through the rural town and mostly farm. I took few pictures of the campus, track and field stadium and of course soccer field. Also, on the soccer field, there were dragonflies everywhere and I tried to take a picture of them but couldnt get a clear shot.

The number one enemy is the WEATHER which is HOT and HUMID, like around 85 degrees and 80 percent humidity at 8:00 am. At the first practice, the players were struggling to get through, and I had to take care on few of them. Then the next two practice, they got through and are getting used to the weather as long as they take care of their body by hydrating, and eating fruits. So far, we had no problems eating taiwanese food. But they are in a great shape with positive attitudes to overcome the heat and humidity and focus one at a time and GO FOR THE GOLD!

In the next few days, there probably wont be much to say since we will be doing two-a-days practices, eat, meetings, treating athletes, and sleep........

Fire away if you have any questions or want to know more about anything! I will post pictures up flicker coming soon.

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