Thursday, September 10, 2009

Game against Russia

I didnt want to post this on the results of Russia vs USA. We didnt play well and simply beat ourselves by losing to Russia 5-0. It was an awful game with horrible officiating. I was this close to get into argument with the referee but I didn't, since I had one player down with a back injury, so I had to rule out spinal injury. I took my time and asking question to the player, but the referee got in the way and waved me and him to get out of the field immediately, so I told him to wait over and over (Someone took pictures of me, the player and the referee). I did mention to the referee that he injured his back and I had to be sure before I do anything. I dont know if he would understand me since he is from Russia. He was just annoying and pushing me to get him off the field right away. So, I quickly asked questions and checking his legs and toes, so it wasnt a spinal injury, and got him off the field and took him back to the bench.

Its one thing that got me livid that most of Russian players faked their injuries (so that the referee would give yellow or red card to USA players) so many times throughout the game, and the referee told Russian players to take their time whenever they are ready to get up. Why cant that referee do that to us?????? It was a very poor sportsmanship by Russian players, and after the game, we walked off the field without shaking their hands. We suspected that the referee from Russia had been helping out the Russian team so we are appealing and filing a complaint against him to the board but there's nothing we can do but move on.

We have two more games to go no matter what win or lose, our next goal is to take fifth place game. We will play Argentina tomorrow (Saturday at 9:30 am). We are taking this by pride for USA.

Also, USA women's soccer team beat Great Britain to advance to the Gold medal match on Monday night. Hats off to the women's team!

Yesterday, I finally took my own time to go on look around Taipei. I went to the National Concert Hall, National Theatre Hall, and The First President of Taiwan memorial. It was a beautiful place. Also, last night, I went to Taipei 101, the world tallest building and rode in the world's fastest elevator. (from first floor to 89 floor- it only took 30 seconds to get there). Of course, I took some pictures and will post online soon. I am hoping to find time to go to National Palace museum and other places this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Where can I find the pics you mentioned above? Man... Russia sucks.
