Saturday, September 12, 2009


We had a game against Argentina yesterday. I am still shocked since it was the worst game I have ever watched. I wanted the team to forfeit the game since the referee abused and being unfair to the Americans, and one of the player got elbowed to the neck and fell to the ground face first. Here is the article

Also, I got offended by the head referee since I was with an injured player with a head injury, the player was already up so I evaluated him with precautionary measures, and the referee told me to get him off the field which I did, so I walked with him and the referee was behind me, touching and pushing me in the back to get off the field. I got furious and didnt like what he did to me especially with an injured player that had to be sent to the hospital. I am filing a complaint against the referee for what he did to me and the injured player.

We will play the last game tomorrow against Ireland, yes we will play against them again. It is gonna be brutal to the Americans since we had 6 key players that will be out for the game due to 3 red cards and 3 injuries.

1 comment:

  1. OH MAN!!! I would have been pissed too!!! :( I'm sorry that happened but I'm glad the player was okay. Glad you kept your temper in check. :)
